Monday, 23 February 2015

Worst Dressed At The Oscars 2015

You saw the best, now have the pleasure of being witness to the worst looks on the Oscars red carpet from last night. Ladies, show us what you working with:
I donot know who Blanca Blanco is, never heard of her till I saw her on my TV screen last night. My first thought was WTF! is she wearing? Is that a cramped candy wrap, turned into a dress, or a shrunken bacon strip? WRONG!
My first thought on seeing this dress was 'is spider man trying to web your neck, or what's with that thing going on around your neck?'. Then I realised it was a necklace. Lawd!. This dress would have been on my best dressed list, had it been worn without the choking necklace thingy. No No  No, Scarlett Johansson!
Gina 'The Virgin' Rodriguez' dress not even growing on me as I looked at it continuously just hoping that it would. Sorry love.
Lorelei Linklater lost big time on the red carpet. Ugh Ugh honey, this is not it. Maybe next time.

This dress is nice looking from the front, but then looking at it from the back, it looks very weird to say the least. Too big and structureless. This Dior dress is not doing you any good, Marion Cotillard, ugh ugh.
Margot Robbie- the make up was on point. The dress, not so much. The necklace was not helping either, sorry. in his referee get up is driving me nuts. Red card to you. bye.

What are your thoughts on the fashion on the Oscars red carpet last night, shaa?

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